How to get cheaper accommodation on Madeira island

How to get cheaper accommodation on Madeira island

You are currently viewing How to get cheaper accommodation on Madeira island

Staying for more than 14 days? Try a short-term let with Flatio

Look at hotels with a loyalty scheme or discounts for longer stays

Booking last-minute? See if any hotels have made rooms available on LateRooms – hotels are often keen to reach full capacity as rooms cannot be resold once the time has passed. They also have up to 15% off for members (it’s free to become a member) and you can often pay on arrival.


From the UK? Book using a cashback site such as TopCashback or QuidCo

Join Facebook groups to see who is looking for a roommate or renting out a room

Finally, contact a travel agent such as myself to see if I can get you a better deal – I will always try and price-match where I can.